Przewóz żeli i roztworów wodno-alkoholowych zwolniony z ADR.
Kolejne Państwa przystępują do umowy wielostronnej M328, która ma na celu ułatwienie transportu i produkcji środków dezynfekujących. Podyktowane sytuacją na świecie związaną z pandemią koronawirusa, wyłączenie dotyczyć ma wybranych produktów zaklasyfikowanych do następujących numerów UN.
► UN 1170, Etanol lub Etanol Roztwór, klasa 3, grupa pakowania II lub III ;
► UN 1219, Alkohol Izopropylowy, klasa 3, grupa pakowania II;
► UN 1987, Alkohole I.N.O., klasa 3, grupa pakowania II lub III;
► UN 1993, Materiał Zapalny Ciekły I.N.O., klasa 3, grupa pakowania II lub III;
Lista Państw które do dnia 13.5.2020 przystąpiły do umowy.
Luksemburg | 15.04.2020 | |
Francja | 16.04.2020 | |
Belgia | 23.04.2020 | |
Irlandia | 28.04.2020 | |
Szwajcaria | 6/05/2020 | |
Dania | 11.05.2020 |
Data wygaśnięcia: 31 sierpnia 2020
Na tą chwilę strona Polska nie podpisała umowy więc poniższą treść prezentuję w języku angielskim.
Multilateral Agreement M328
under section 1.5.1 of ADR,
the transport of hydro‐alcoholic gels and solutions
(1) By derogation from the provisions of ADR it is considered that the collect of sanitizer, hydro‐ alcoholic gels and solutions assigned to one of the following UN numbers :
• UN 1170, Ethanol or Ethanol in solution, class 3, packing group II or III ;
• UN 1219, Isopropyl alcohol, class 3, packing group II;
• UN 1987, Alcohol n.o.s., Class 3, Packing Group II or III;
• UN 1993, Flammable Liquid n.o.s., Class 3, Packing Group II or III;
as well as their delivery to dispensing chemists or other final consignees may be exempted from any provision of the ADR provided that the conditions specified below are met.
(2) The gels and solutions referred to under (1) shall be packed in receptacles not exceeding 5 litres and transported in a total quantity not exceeding 240 litres per transport unit.
(3) No other dangerous goods within the meaning of ADR shall be loaded in the same transport unit.
(4) The receptacles or packaging’s used shall be suitable for the substances carried and shall be so selected as to prevent any leakage and to permit safe carriage. Guidance on the choice of receptacles can be found in Articles and of ADR.
(5) The vehicle carrying the gels and solutions referred to in point (1) shall be fitted with a fire extinguisher in accordance with the general safety requirements in force in their country of registration.
(6) A copy of this multilateral agreement, including its annex, shall be kept on board of any transport unit applying it, so that it may be presented upon request.
(7) Any incident or accident occurring during carriage covered by this multilateral agreement shall be reported within 24 hours, to the competent authority for the transport of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) of the respective country.
(8) This Agreement is valid until 31 August 2020 for carriage in the territories of the Contracting Parties to ADR which are signatories thereto. If it is revoked before that date by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above‐mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of the Contracting Parties to ADR which have signed this Agreement and which have not revoked it.
Luxembourg, 15 April 2020
The competent authority for ADR in Luxembourg:
Minister for Mobility and Public Works,
François BAUSCH
Piotr Jachym
+48 512 333 080